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Happy Chinese New Year 2013

Ular menyusur akar, takkan hilang bisanya.

Happy Chinese New Year 2013

Ular menyusur akar, takkan hilang bisanya.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

How To Change Resource Allocation using vCloud Director


1) Open vCloud Director.

2) Power off the VM that you want to change the resource. Before change the resources, you need to check the memory first.

3)  Go to Administrator > Virtual Datacenter > Monitor and we can see the memory used and free. Make sure the memory enough for add the new resource.

 4) After checking the memory, go back to the vApp and right click on the VM that we want to add the resource.

How To Manage Catalog in vCloud Director


Important Notes: As a catalog author, you can create a catalogs to grouping your vApp templates and media files.

1) Click Catalogs > My Organization's Catalogs. On the Catalogs tab, click the Add Catalog button.

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2) Type a catalog name and description (opitonal). Click Next.
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3) (Optional) To share the catalog with members of the organization, click Add Members, select users and groups, select an access level, click OK, and click Next.

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4) Select a catalog publishing option and click Next.

Option Description:
Don't publish this catalog to other organizations
~ This catalog will not be visible or available to other organizations in the vCloud Director installation.
Publish to all organizations
~ This catalog will be visible to all other organizations in the vCloud Director installation. Users with the necessary rights (by default, organization administrators) can view catalog items and copy them to a local organization catalog.

This option might be unavailable, depending on your organizational settings.

5) Review the summary and click Finish.

Important Notes: As a catalog author, you can copy the media files into another catalog in your organization.
Prerequisites:You must have access to multiple catalogs and vDCs.
1) Click Catalogs.
2) On the Media tab, select a media file, right-click, and select Copy To Catalog.

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3) Select a catalog and a vDC. The catalog you select must be in your organization
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4) Click OK. The media file has been moved into the selected catalog.

Important Notes: Please take note, each copy of the new media @ template will consume storage resource. Please make sure resource allocation is enough to copy.
Important Notes: As a Vapp author, you can add a vApp template as a vApp from your catalog to My Cloud. If the vApp template is based on an OVF file that includes an OVF properties for customizing its virtual machines, those properties are passed to the vApp. If any of those properties are user-configurable, you can specify the values.
Prerequisites: The vApp template is available in a published or a locally shared catalog.

1) Click Catalogs.
2) In the left panel, click on a catalog option.
3) On the vApp Templates tab, select a vApp template, right-click, and select Add to My Cloud.
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4) Type a name and optional description for the vApp. Select a runtime and storage lease and click Next. 
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 5) Select a Virtual Machines, configure the virtual machines in the vApp, and click Next. Configure the custom properties, if any, and click Next
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6) Configure the networking options for the vApp and click Next.
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7) Review the vApp summary information and click Finish.
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Note: vCloud Director created the vApp on the My Cloud > vAppspage.

How To Manage User using vCloud Director


1) Click on tab Administration.

2) In the left panel, select Members > Users.

3) Click the New User button.

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4) Type the user name and password.

5) Select a role.

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Important note: To create a custom role, contact your system administrator.

These default roles exist in Cloud Director.

Organization administrator       Administers the organization
Catalog Author                           Creates and publishes new catalogs
vApp Author                               Creates vApps by using the contents of a catalog
vApp User                                   Uses vApps created by others
Console Access Only                Only views the state and properties of machines in Cloud Director

6) Select the stored and running virtual machine quota limits for this user.

7) Click OK. The new user appears on the Users page.


1) Click Administration.

2) In the left pane, select Members > Users.

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3) Select the user, right-click and click Properties.
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4) Modify the necessary properties and click OK.


1) Click Administration.
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2) In the left pane, select Member > Users.
3) To select a user,right-click and select Disable Account. To reselect this user, right-click and select Delete.
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4) Click OK.


1) Click Administration.
2) In the left panel, select Member > Users
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3) Select a user, right-click and select Disable Account.

Important Note:  Disable user account have the red circle in the Enable columns and enabled user accounts have green check mark.


1) Click Administration.

2) In the left pane, select Member > Users.

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3) Select the user, right-click and click Properties.

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4) In the User role in organization drop-down menu, select a new role for the user.

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5) Click OK

How To Open Remote Console using vCloud Director

To access your virtual machine thru remote console.

1) Click-on the thumbnail of  your virtual machine;
2) Install VMWare VMRC plugin (VMware remote console) to access to your VM for the first time.

Important note: Please close the browser before you install the plug-in.

How To Reset Password using Virtual Machine in vCloud Director

You can reset the local admin password for virtual server through the following steps:

1) Login to your Cloud account. 

2) Click on My Cloud tab, and then click on the vApp where your virtual machine resides.

3) Click on the Virtual Machines tab, it will show you the list of virtual machine in the vApp. Make sure the virtual machine is powered off.

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4) Right click on the Virtual Machine that you need to change the password and choose Properties menu.
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5) Click on Guest OS Customization and make sure the following are done:

a) Select Enable guest customization;
b) Under password reset, select Allow local administrator password;
c) Choose either Auto generate password or Specify password.

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6) Click OK to accept the configuration.

7) Right click on the virtual machine again and choose Power On and Force Recustomization menu. 

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8) Your server will be restarted few times and after the it finished this process, you may login using the password that you specify or generated in step 5.

How To Create vApp using vCloud Director


1) Login to JARING OneCloud Enterprise portal.

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2) Click on Build new vApp.

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3) Fill in all the necessary info.

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Thursday, 4 April 2013

Spamhaus Targeted in "Largest DDoS Attack Ever"

Monday, 1 April 2013

Hacker finds way to run desktop applications on Windows RT

Source: Hacker finds way to run desktop applications on Windows RT

By Lucian Constantin
January 8, 2013

A hacker claims to have found a method of bypassing the code integrity mechanism in Windows RT, therefore allowing for desktop-style programs to be installed on the platform. The hacker, who uses the online moniker "clrokr", documented the bypass method in a blog post on Sunday.

Windows RT is a special version of Microsoft Windows designed for lightweight PCs and tablets that are based on the ARM architecture, including Microsoft's Surface tablet. Compared to Windows 8, Windows RT only allows Metro apps downloaded from the Windows Store to be installed. These applications are designed only for the Metro interface and don't have access to the regular Windows desktop.

That said, Windows RT does come with a few preinstalled desktop-enabled applications, like Microsoft Office RT, a special version of Microsoft Office 2013, and Internet Explorer 10.
According to clrokr, the restriction of installing only Metro-style apps on Windows RT is enforced through a code integrity mechanism that checks the application's signature before allowing it to be installed. This prevents users from simply taking a desktop application compiled for the ARM architecture and installing it on their Windows RT devices.

"Deep in the kernel, in a hashed and signed data section protected by UEFI's Secure Boot, lies a byte that represents the minimum signing level," clrokr said. "The minimum signing level determines how good an executable's signature is on a scale like this: Unsigned(0), Authenticode(4), Microsoft(8), Windows(12). The default value on x86 machines [Windows 8 and previous versions] is of course 0 because you can run anything you like on your computer. On ARM machines, it defaults to 8."

The minimum signing level enforced by Windows RT can be changed by exploiting a vulnerability in the Windows kernel that had existed for some time and is also present in Windows RT, in order to modify that special byte in memory, clrokr said.

The hacker decided to disclose the bypass method publicly because he feels that Microsoft's decision to artificially ban traditional desktop applications on the platform is a bad marketing move that decreases the value of Windows RT devices.

"Windows RT needs the Win32 ecosystem to strengthen its position as a productivity tool," he said.

"There are enough 'consumption' tablets already."

"The reason I tried to disable Code Integrity has nothing to do with Win32 or WinRT," he said in a discussion thread on Reddit. "It has to do with choice. Microsoft wants devs to go through the [Windows] Store and it is understandable from a money standpoint. But allowing Win32 apps could have helped the chicken-and-egg problem the Surface is going to die from."

Clrokr doesn't agree with the argument that traditional desktop applications require more resources and consume more battery power than Metro-style apps, which might have led to Microsoft's decision to ban them in Windows RT.

"This is not quite true," he said. "It all really depends on the quality of the programs. Win32 and WinRT apps are not as different as you might think. You can easily build a crappy, slow, unresponsive WinRT app. And there is no reason to believe that Win32 apps have higher requirements when it comes to processing power and memory."

It's not clear how Microsoft will react to the public availability of this bypass method. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent Monday.

The hack does have some limitations. For one, the signing-level byte cannot be permanently changed because of the Secure Boot feature that checks the integrity of the OS after every reboot and reverts unauthorized changes.

This means that the bypass procedure must be performed after every reboot. Tablet devices are not rebooted that often, so this is not necessarily a huge inconvenience, but it does mean that the use of the hack is, at least for now, restricted to more technical users.

Another limitation is that x86 desktop programs can't simply be installed on Windows RT; they need to be recompiled for the ARM architecture. For open-source programs this might prove easier to do, but for closed-source ones the only way to do it is to convince the original developers to create versions for ARM.

In a discussion thread on the XDA-Developers forums, a user claims to have already compiled PuTTY -- an open-source SSH, Telnet and rlogin client application -- for ARM and successfully installed it on a Surface Tablet using clrokr's hack.

In the same thread someone suggested the idea of porting Chromium, the open-source browser that serves as the basis for Google Chrome, to ARM and installing it on Microsoft Surface. Clokr also said on Reddit that he has seen 7-Zip running on Windows RT.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

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